Tag Archives: medical marijuana recommendation

3 Ways to Spot an Indoor Marijuana Grow in your Neighborhood

icon  19 Oct, 2017  /  icon  0        Author: Chloe

Marijuana has long been an illegal substance and criminals have needed to hide their activities, using various levels of ingenuity. Growing an illegal facility in the home is no doubt a tricky endeavor, as marijuana is notorious for its smell as well as requiring quite a large electricity bill, which might rouse the ire of fellow tenants. It also requires a number of tools, adequate space and an extensive lighting operation. Because of all the required ingredients for a successful marijuana grow, there are a number of ways to find illegal growing operations in your own neighborhood. While there is no need to actively snoop, a large indoor growing operation is no joke and needs to be investigated, and there are a number of telltale signs.

In any case, illegal growing operations are on the way out with an increase in legalization across the USA. When marijuana becomes legalized in a larger number of states there will simply be no need for black market. There is no reason for customers to go to a black-market dealer when they can get quality marijuana from a shop or medical dispensary. While marijuana is a beneficial plant, the worry with illegal growing operations at present is due to the chemicals used in the growing process. This results in weed that is full of toxins and makes its way to regular customers. Again, legalization will kill this market that was artificially created by prohibition as independent testing facilities can be setup which test various strains of marijuana for quality. In the meantime, here are 3 ways to spot an indoor marijuana grow in California.

How to Spot a marijuana Grow

The 3 main ways through which an indoor growing operation can be identified in California are

  • A black wrought iron fence around home and exterior security doors.
  • A set of security cameras at each entrance
  • A second fence between the black fence and front door

“Every indoor marijuana grow we’ve identified has the same fence installed by the same company,” said a drug enforcement officer who requested to remain anonymous.Police stressed that security cameras and fences alone are not indicative of a marijuana grow. However, when combined with the odor of marijuana or other suspicious activity, they can be a cause for concern. Alongside these obvious considerations require some common sense. If you know the person might there be a reason why they have a fence and security cameras? Did you see them with lots of equipment? What is their age and socioeconomic status? Though stereotypes are often inaccurate, if it is an elderly couple it is far more likely that they are simply afraid of being burgled. The criteria for finding out a growing operation is the same in every state and requires a number of factors. If you are more than sure it is a large scale growing operation then it might be a good idea to call the police. There is a huge difference between a person or couple growing their own marijuana to enjoy in the comfort of their own home and the real crime of cartels running illegal growing operations, which can be actively harmful to society. At the same time there is no reason to go 100% Sherlock Holmes. You do not want to knock on the door of a Mexican drug cartel asking them if they happen to be behind an illegal growing operation.

It’s hardly unusual for police in the Sacramento region to find an illegal marijuana grow house in an otherwise quiet suburb. But in a number of recent police raids, the occupants of these grow houses have turned out to be Chinese nationals. This raises questions with regard to who is recruiting them and how they are being financed.  Recent police raids in Yuba, Yolo, Placer and Sacramento counties have resulted in multiple arrests of people with Chinese passports, some of them speaking no English and apparently providing little help to investigators. One recently obtainedindictment asserts that money from a southern Chinese bank account was transferred to California to pay for down payments on homes that later became grow houses, suggesting that at least some in China are investing the illicit U.S. marijuana market.

Black Market Marijuana

California is rife with black market marijuana at present. Recreational marijuana is set to come into force in January 2018, where businesses will open their doors to the sale of marijuana. In the meantime there is a serious problem of black market growing operations. Many of these operations are operated by illegal immigrant cartels, most commonly said to be Mexican cartels. These growing facilities do not pay any heed to rules and regulations and the result is an environmental catastrophe which kills animals and often results in a toxic water supply and an actively dangerous toxic wasteland. And there is also the danger of the toxins in the weed itself, which many people are unware of as they purchase their marijuana. But these growing operations are grown outside, often in secluded forests as opposed to indoors. Marijuana is a cash crop and large indoor growing operations will almost always have some layer of security and protection, the most important considerations in investigating illegal indoor growing operations.


icon  19 Jan, 2017  /  icon  0        Author: Anne Roberts

Living in a place where marijuana has been decriminalized and qualifying as a marijuana patient are two different things. The regulations that outline how an individual can become a medical marijuana patient vary from one state to the other. In the state of California for instance, medical cannabis use is only allowed to qualified patients. This is similar in other states in the country which have adopted similar regulations where a patient must obtain a valid recommendation from the doctor to be considered as a qualified medical weed user. This always sparks questions on how to find a medical marijuana doctor anywhere around the country for recommendations. This article lists some ways that can be explored in seeking a qualified marijuana doctor and getting valuable recommendation that can be used to gain acceptance by the dispensaries.

Do research on conditions that qualify for medical marijuana

Not all conditions qualify one to become a medical cannabis patient. It is, therefore, important to carry out an extensive research on the conditions that one should possess for him/her to be recognized as a patient. While conducting this kind of the investigation, it is imperative to go through the state-specific regulations and recommendations. This is because laws governing medical pot use vary across states. Some states, for instance, needs you to apply for a state medical marijuana program which allows one to receive a medical marijuana ID card after a doctor’s recommendation. Notwithstanding that, you might also be required to provide a previous medical record of the illnesses which can lead one to either be considered as a qualified patient or not. If there is a lack of previous medical record, you might be denied the permit as a qualified medical marijuana user.


Obtain all the necessary medical records

Medical records related to conditions that qualify for medical use of cannabis are necessary for the determination of the state of the patient. The doctor will likely need the records of previous appointments to ascertain that an individual is indeed qualified to use medical pot. These records should be put together by your physician and forwarded to the relevant authority for analysis. This will help hasten the decision-making process and increase your chances of being permitted to enjoy your pot legally.

Find a qualified cannabis doctor near you

While there are a number of doctors who claim to know more about medical cannabis, it is always good to keep in mind that not all doctors are gurus in this area as they always purport. It is, therefore, important to do a broad analysis of the doctors in your area before making a decision to visit one of them for consultancy and recommendation after that. You can read through doctors’ listings and reviews from other individuals and how they view the stated doctor.  In some states such as California where a certified physician’s recommendation is the only thing needed by the authorities for consideration as a qualified patient, it is always an excellent idea visiting a reputable doctor who has a clean background and knowledge in this area. This will proof to be a helpful trick in obtaining permission from the authorities. In addition to making sure that you get a knowledgeable medical practitioner, be sure to find out the fees that will be charged for such service before rushing to sign papers. One should also determine the number of days that the letter of recommendation from the doctor will be valid to avoid unwanted hustles. The legality of the clinics should also be checked since most of the available clinics are currently under investigation for operating illegally.

Book an appointment

After you have gathered the necessary knowledge and settled on your best choice of a doctor, you should schedule an appointment. This can be done via different modes of communication such as email, dropping a letter or even going to the office in person and arranging for a perfect date when you will see the doctor. This makes the preparation of both the patient and the doctor efficient and hustle-free. The date for the appointment should always be scheduled when all the necessary documents have been put together.

Obtain doctor’s recommendation

Before making any recommendation, your doctor will have to go through all the previous health records that you have presented and analyze them carefully. It is critical to have all the necessary information to back up the documents that have been submitted to the physician in case of a point that needs to be clarified. Being in possession of such information always ensures that your physician is knowledgeable and can make the right recommendations. Despite the difference in the regulations and procedures of operations in different states, the majority of the dispensaries in most of the states will require you to be in possession of a valid ID when visiting the clinic. Given this, it is important to keep your certification as tidy as possible at all the time to ease the process of getting services from the physician. The certification should be renewed annually when the old one is nearing its expiration date to ease the process of getting services from a medical marijuana doctor and legal medical cannabis dispensaries around you.

Getting Medical Marijuana Recommendations Made Easier

icon  17 Jan, 2017  /  icon  0        Author: Anne Roberts

For quite some time now, medical marijuana has been a leading form of treatment. Not only does it give patients something fresh from the traditional methods of treatment, but it has also been highly effective and produced wonderful results. Already popular in many places around the world, it has also gained popularity in the United States, leading to the use of medical marijuana being legalized in many states.

However, even though medical marijuana has been given the green light, patients are still facing problems in using it. There are far more medical marijuana patients compared to the number of doctors in practice, which is leading to many medical marijuana patients not being able to get their medical marijuana recommendation.

One of the best ways to overcome this problem is to get medical marijuana recommendations online from potexam. It is the best online medical marijuana doctor available to every medical marijuana patient in California. Patients can now easily have their cannabis treatment online without having to stand for hours on end at their local clinics.

Potexam  allows medical marijuana patients to have assistance from a highly qualified team of state licensed medical marijuana doctors. These doctors are fully equipped to provide patients with any assistance they need, and, more importantly, they can issue medical marijuana recommendations as well. Patients can check up on the credentials of all the doctors beforehand if they wish to, at the Medical Board’s website.

To get their online medical marijuana recommendation, patients need to sign up at the website and complete their profile. Then they can select an appointment time most convenient for them, and wait for their profiles to be examined by the doctor.The doctor will thoroughly go through the patient’s profile in order to give them the best possible assistance. Afterwards, the patient can video chat live with the doctor and get their required consultation. In the event that a video-chat session is inconvenient, the patient can simply send the doctor an email and get their assistance in the reply.

After the online consultation is complete, the doctor will issue a medical marijuana recommendation if he thinks the patient’s condition warrants it. This recommendation will be sent to the patient through email and can be used to purchase medical marijuana with immediate effect. The official copy of the recommendation itself will arrive a few days later in the mail, which can be used to purchase medical marijuana from local dispensaries in California. The medical marijuana recommendation also gives patients the permission to grow medical marijuana in their homes, for their personal use.

To ensure that only real patients can get medical marijuana cards, and not somebody who plans to use marijuana for non-medical purposes, doctors are very careful when issuing recommendations to patients. They generally issue medical marijuana cards to patients suffering from complex conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, eating disorders, seizures, multiple sclerosis, and HIV/AIDS. Only patients who are in real need of medical marijuana treatment are issued recommendations, and their privacy is maintained at all times.

The online treatment requires only a small fee, which is a great relief compared to the large amount of visits charged by local clinics. The recommendations issued are fully authentic as welland can be used to buy medical marijuana from any licensed clinic in California.

To sum up, the time has never been better for medical marijuana patients to purchase their required medical marijuana. Instead of having to wait for long timesat their local clinics, they can simply consult the licensed and highly qualified online doctors waiting to provide assistance at potexam . The patients need only to log on to the website and book an online appointment with the doctor. They can consult the doctor either via video chat in real time or simply by sending them an email if that is more convenient. Either way, the doctor will provide assistance accordingly, and even issue a medical marijuana recommendation card to the patient if the complexity of the condition warrants it. The recommendation will be emailed to the patient immediately, with the official copy arriving by mail a few days later. The recommendation card allows the patient to legally purchase and grow medical marijuana anywhere in California, cementing the fact that potexam is the best online medical marijuana doctor available to patients.

doctor recommendation

The Best Way to Get Medical Marijuana Recommendations Online

icon  05 Jan, 2017  /  icon  0        Author: Anne Roberts

Medical weed is an increasingly popular form of treatment worldwide. It gives users a feeling of something fresh from pharmaceutical medication and often offers solutions which regular forms of treatment cannot. Many states in the United States have legalized the use of cannabis for medical purposes, and the others look set to follow.

Despite medical weed being so popular, there is a problem with the ever-growing number of medical weed patients –the number of patients far outweigh the number of licensed practitioners. This proves to be quite a big problem, as the lack of practitioners prevents many patients from getting their required medical marijuana recommendation.

Agreat way of getting around this inconvenience is by visiting us – the #1 rated online medical weed doctor. It is available for access to all medical weed patients in California and saves them the trouble of waiting in queue for hours on end to visit medical marijuana doctors at their local clinics.

Patients can have assistance from an expert team of highly qualified and state licensed medical weed practitioners. Not only can these doctors provide high-quality advice to the patients, but, more importantly, they can issue medical weed recommendations as well. All doctors are fully qualified and have their credentials listed on the Medical Board’s website.

In order to get these recommendations, patients simply need tosign up at the website, complete their profile and choose their appointment time. After that is done, the doctors will look at the application and make an assessment based on the patient’s details and ailments, so that they can give the best and most accurate assistance. Afterward the patient can consult with licensed practitioners via video chat and get the required assistance. If a patient finds video chat inconvenient for some reason, he or she can simply send Pot Exam an email and have their queries answered accordingly.

The online sessions arefollowed by the issuing ofa medical weed  recommendationthrough email. This recommendation can be used immediately after being issuedfor purchasing medical weed Products online. After a few days, the officialcopy of the medical weed recommendation – embossed with gold seal – arrives in the mail, which can then be used for purchasing medical weed from licenseddispensaries in California.Patients can also use this recommendation to legally grow cannabis at their home, for their own personal use.

The online sessions are truly a complete medical weed treatment experience, as it includes:

  • Appointment with licensed practitioners
  • Official recommendation
  • NFC-enabled Photo ID Card
  • Exclusive discounts and offers

As easy as it sounds, though, recommendations are not given to everyone applying for one; rather, they are issued only to those in need of it. This is to ensure that no one can misuse the recommendation and use marijuana for non-medical purposes. The list of medical conditions which qualify for the issuing of a medical marijuana card include:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Eating disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Seizures
  • Glaucoma

Thus, only patients whose conditions are covered under medical weed laws have their applications approved, and they qualify for a medical marijuana card. Privacy is maintained at all times.

The medical weed recommendations issued online are 100% legal, and the service commands a low fee – much cheaper than what patients would have to pay their doctors. Yet another reason which makes this the best way to get medical weed recommendations online.

In short, obtaining medical weed recommendations for legitimate use has never been more convenient. Patients no longer need to visit medical weed clinics and wait in line for longer than their treatment takes. Instead, they can simply visit the Pot Exam website and book for an online appointment at the most suitable time. Their application will be checked by Pot Exam’s team of highly qualified and registered doctors, and a medical weed card will be issued accordingly, which can be used immediately for online medical marijuana purchase. An official copy of the recommendation will also arrive after a few days in the mail, which can then be used at licensed dispensaries. All of these benefits points to one indisputable fact –getting medical weed recommendations in California has never been easier.

Welcome to Pot Exam Medical Marijuana Recommendation Services

icon  23 Dec, 2016  /  icon  0        Author: Anne Roberts

Medical marijuana patients are looking for reliable medical marijuana doctors to receive a timely medical recommendation for marijuana. Getting the right assistance, without wasting time, is the dream of every patient. For this reason, we have established high quality services that can hook you up with certified marijuana doctors to help you become a medical marijuana patient. The process takes 15 minutes and is only $39 to meet with your Doctor. We engage you through a holistic process that is very efficient in giving you the satisfaction you need. Our services are provided in a high quality fashion to make your life and choice of medical marijuana enjoyable and fulfilling.

Certified Professionals

Working with professionals for medical marijuana recommendation gives credibility to our services. We value our clients and that is why we want to give them the best. Here, you will have access to high-quality, state licensed medical doctor professionals to give you accurate recommendation for your medical marijuana dosage. Our doctors don’t just give you recommendations. They will also provide answers to any questions or concerns you have about concerning medical cannabis cards. Most importantly, you will get useful information about marijuana and how it can impact your life positively.

Safety and Security

Getting your medical marijuana card is always conducted in a safe, secure and confidential way. All details needed to get your recommendation ready are treated privately and are not shared with any third-party. Any discussion held between you and your doctor remains top secret between the two of you. We treat customer’s information and data with high integrity because we understand how important it is for you.

Contact us 

We are always available 24/7 to help you whenever you need us. As our client, you don’t have to set up an appointment or wait before you are attended to. With a mere click of a button, our customers get the help of online marijuana doctors promptly. All the hassles of waiting in line at your local clinic are completely eliminated. We value your time and that is why we give you assistance when you need it. You will get all this assistance from the comfort of your home. Contact us now!

Medical Marijuana Recommendation from Professional Doctors

icon  21 Dec, 2016  /  icon  0        Author: Chloe

It’s no doubt that access to medical marijuana is at advanced stages in California. Since 1996, patients through the help of professional doctors have largely benefited from the medical value of marijuana. At least 5% of California’s adult population has used medical cannabis as a regimen for serious health conditions. Of all the patients that used marijuana, 92% of them have found it very useful. This is a great encouragement for all who would want to consider marijuana for their treatment. If you want to proceed with medical weed for the treatment of your condition, it is time to get recommendation from a reliable professional doctor. This recommendation is very important because it will act as a ticket for you to get your medical cannabis card. Recommendations are only provided by a licensed physician and therefore, make sure to confirm the credibility of the person you are engaging for this exercise.

So, what is a doctor’s recommendation?

The state of California requires all those considering marijuana for treatment to get a signed recommendation from a certified osteopath or physician.  Doctor’s recommendation is a common phrase in the world of medical marijuana. Therefore, don’t shy away from these physicians if the term doctor is used. Over the years, doctors have not been providing prescriptions for marijuana because the federal government terms marijuana illegal. However, through the 1st Amendment, doctors have the right to discuss with individuals after which they can provide a signed recommendation if they consider doing so.

Commonly referred to as an MMID, a Doctor’s Rec or a cannabis card, a medical cannabis card is primarily used to help patients get access to medical marijuana. This has essentially been of great help to patients living with anorexia, spasticity, AIDS, migraines, glaucoma, chronic pain, cancer and any other health complication that can be addressed through weed. The most commonly cited problem addressed through cannabis is chronic pain. However, medical studies have continued to bring forth other medical marijuana uses to help ailing patients. In the wake of advancing marijuana reforms, a lot is expected from research about the usefulness of marijuana in the medical world.

Where do you start?

First, you need a professional physician to tell you whether marijuana is right for your use. Make sure you don’t just get anybody offering the services online. Get referrals from friends and from reputable online platforms as well. Again, check customer reviews available online to gauge different service providers and you will certainly get a reliable one. At Potexam, you will get paired with a doctor allowing you to securely and safely make consultations with a licensed professional from the convenience and privacy of your home. If you want to cut costs, consider Potexam’s online medical marijuana card services. Most importantly, all these services will be provided swiftly and will not take much of your time.

The best medical marijuana card services know the importance of patients’ privacy and will do everything possible to make sure that all matters are kept confidential.  All the same, it will be important for you to fill out basic medical information forms. Before getting the recommendation, your doctor discusses with you concerning your current health condition, your medical history and the kind of medication you are taking at the moment. If you have been using marijuana for medical reasons and it has worked for you, let your doctor know. It is good to share sufficient information with your doctor in order to get the most suitable recommendation. Ask any questions you could be having about medical cannabis cards and you will get answers to all of them. Don’t make reservations for anything.

First time Marijuana Users may need Doctor’s Recommendation to test the Herb

icon  30 Nov, 2016  /  icon  0        Author: Anne Roberts

After Californians passed Proposition 64 to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, there has been increasing calls to medical clinics. The number of patients walking into marijuana dispensaries has also increased significantly. Well, adults above the age of 21 can now take weed without necessarily having a medical reason. Initially when recreational marijuana was illegal, people who used weed for leisure could not see a doctor to get recommendation.  For them to light up a joint, legal medical recommendation was out of the question. Following the recent legalization of marijuana for recreational use, the hopefuls looking for it from the local dispensaries were stunned: at least for now, it is obvious that there won’t be any weed stores for recreational cannabis in existence. Ideally, Proposition 64 will be implemented in the coming year as state officials and interested local governments make important regulations needed for retail sales. The earliest time when retail licensing could be done is estimated to be around mid-2017. In the worst case scenario, they may be issued in January 2018.

What next for marijuana users at the moment?
Initially, this was the perception held by many: business will plummet for medical marijuana doctors following cannabis legalization in California. Actually, medical cannabis clinics’ relevance is on the increase. Currently, marijuana users realize how important a doctor’s recommendation is prior to consuming weed.  In order to fully understand how to go about marijuana consumption, browsing through weed dispensary shelves will be very useful for first-time users. The help of a medical doctor will therefore be absolutely important. To get full benefits of these glistening cannabis buds, hone-hued weed concentrates and marijuana-infused brownies, the advice of a doctor will be very instrumental.

There has been an influx of people seeking for help with marijuana use. Usually, this has always been a low season for medical physicians giving out medical cannabis recommendations. However, there are significant developments and it seems things might just have changed.  Therefore, doctors are now available to give advice to anyone considering using weed following the passing of Proposition 64. Doctors’ recommendation services have now started to rebrand in order to give wider holistic services. They are now giving useful guidance both for medical and recreational use of marijuana. Most important to note is the probable effects of using marijuana. As a user, you need to know what works best for you during the day and in the night as well.

In the past, some patients were not comfortable coming to seek for help but today, things have changed for them. They are now interested in seeking help on how to use marijuana to attain their desired benefits. The move to fully legalize marijuana in California has liberated some of the patients who felt that marijuana’s use for medical reasons alone was not enough. Now, they feel it is indeed legal and can now seek for advice more freely than before. Essential, the recent reforms have boosted the need for professional help prior to consuming different cannabis strains.

Need Help? Here is what to do…
You don’t have to get stressed if you want to get started with cannabis. There are professional doctors who are willing to give you the advice you need to start using marijuana. Whether for medical or recreational reasons, you will still get useful tips to answer all your questions. It is also important to note that medical and recreational marijuana are regulated differently. At Potexam, you will get all this information from a trustworthy and licensed physician. The good news is that, you can get this help online from the comfort of your house. The process is quick and very reliable.